Snubber Testing and Refurbishment Services
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Snubber Testing and Refurbishment Services
Comprehensive Maintenance & Testing Solutions
For over five decades, Curtiss-Wright has been a trusted supplier in the nuclear industry, providing reliable support for large-bore hydraulic snubbers.
Our snubber field services include snubber testing and outage support, repair, rebuilding, and refurbishment of large-bore hydraulic snubbers. We use the TESTAN testing machine and True Test-in-Place (TTIP) technology which avoids unpinning of the snubber or disengaging components from the support structure. This innovative approach significantly reduces maintenance costs and personnel dose. We also offer removal and remote testing of snubber control valves, if TTIP technology is not available.
All Curtiss-Wright technicians are qualified in accordance with ASME NQA-1, and work under the guidelines of ASME Section XI and 10CFR50 Appendix B.
- Support for Paul-Monroe (PME), Anker-Holth, McDowell-Wellman, Bergen-Paterson, and E-Systems snubbers
- Compliance with applicable quality programs and customer requirements
- Complements license renewal initiatives
- Compact, portable hydraulic field test equipment
- As-Found and As-Left lock-up, bleed, and seal integrity testing at snubber installed location
- On-site snubber rebuilds with complete testing, including breakaway and drag
- Snubber rigging and hydraulic fluid handling supervision
- Fluid Analysis
- Comprehensive As-Found and As-Left functional testing
- Complete snubber disassembly, inspections and repair/refurbishment
- Elastomeric seal replacement, or redesign for 40-year qualified life seal materials
- Design upgrades
- Snubber repainting