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Reactor Vessel and Spent Fuel Pool Servicing Equipment

innovative Solutions

AV Blade
AV Bender
RCCA Handling Tool
Bolt Wrench
Reactor Head Being Serviced
RPV Stud Quick Bolt

Curtiss-Wright's highly experienced staff of engineers and designers enable us to supply innovative, custom-designed outage and maintenance equipment and services for your facility.

Our products are designed to reduce critical path outage time and associated radiation exposure in a wide range of plant outage and maintenance activities in order to help you achieve your ALARA objectives.

Our Above Vessel Reactor Servicing Equipment includes underwater, remotely operated tools, as well as heavy lifting equipment to allow disassembly of the reactor pressure vessels and associated shielding.

Blade Guides RCCA Handling Tool
CEA Handling Tool Reactor Disassembly/Wet Lift Tooling
Control Rod Blade/Fuel Support
Piece Grapples
Reactor Head Tensioner Carousel/Strongback
Control Rod Blade/Blade Guide Storage Racks Refuel Floor Auxiliary Bridge
Drywell Head Alignment Pins RPV Head O-ring Storage Container
Fuel Channel Handling Tool RPV Closure Component Storage
ICI Cutting and Withdrawal Tools RPV Service Platform
LPRM Bending Tool RPV Stud Lifting Devices
Multiple Instrument Dry Tube Strongback RPV Stud Storage Racks
Multiple Instrument Storage Container Segmented RPV Head Alignment
Neutron Source Retrieval Tool RPV Stud Quick Bolts
Radiation Shield and Strongback Temporary Reactor Head
Shroud Head Bolt Wrench

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