Outage Maintenance
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Outage Maintenance
Streamlining Maintenance and Refueling
In addition to offering installation services on all of our products, we also provide operation support and stand-by services during plant outages. Our support services are tailored to your particular needs. Curtiss-Wright provides a full range of services from technical supervision to mobilizing a complete team for turnkey installation.
Typical services we offer include:
- BWR CRD Rebuild (on-site and off-site)
- BWR I&C Maintenance
- HCU Maintenance
- HydraNut Support and Installation
- LLRT/ILRT Services
- PIP Refurbishment
- Plug and Seal Installation and Removal
- Product Installation and Training
- SG Closure Services
- SG Nozzle Dam Installation and Removal
- SG Nozzle Dam Refurbishment
- TIP Tubing Quick Disconnect Upgrades