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Online thermal performance monitoring, analysis, and optimization

PEPSE-RT* is currently saving millions of dollars per year to its users through improved plant performance and control strategies. Curtiss-Wright's PEPSE-RT system has been installed on more nuclear generating stations than all other on-line performance monitoring systems combined. We have rapidly growing list of PEPSE-RT installations currently serving commercial and industrial electric utilities. PEPSE-RT will increase your plant operator's awareness of the importance of performance, reduce heat rate, and reduce operating and maintenance costs.

  • Graphical presentation of target values, deviations from targets, and lost power effects
  • Online balance of plant performance to detect and correct problems
  • Condenser fouling detection to optimize condenser performance
  • Providing a means to validate plant equipment vendor claims
  • Detection of instrument fault and calibration errors
  • Trending critical plant component performance allowing users to monitor component degradation and optimize their maintenance efforts to minimize unscheduled downtime
  • Replaying plant events using archived data to reconstruct activities during time periods of interest
  • Distributing the information calculated by PEPSE-RT throughout the plant and utility on computer networks for graphical display and further analysis

The experienced professionals in our Plant Optimization Group can provide new users with technical services including support and maintenance of the PEPSE-RT platform; analysis and optimization of electric generating stations; regular software updates in response to customer feedback; and a User's Group Meeting for networking opportunities. For more details, please visit our monitoring website.

*: PEPSE-RT has replaced PMAX. Curtiss-Wright continues to provide support for our legacy solutions.

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