EQDB - Information Technologies
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Environmental Qualification DataBank
EQDB has been the quintessential EQ database for more than 30 years and contains the most thorough collection of EQ-related information including: test reports, equipment evaluations, materials aging and radiation data, and EQ-specific regulatory documents. Now more than ever, as new engineers are coming into the discipline, EQDB serves as the cornerstone resource for EQ-related information.
EQDB significantly lowers the cost of EQ-related activities by reducing man-hours spent while conducting research, document retrieval, and review of detailed equipment data. Especially for time-sensitive activities such as reportability or operability determinations, the rapid retrieval of information can make a significant difference in expended man-hours.
- Determine material characteristics and failure mechanisms for use in evaluating the root cause and probability of failures
- Review inspection findings and industry experience to avoid common problems
- Stay current with regulatory activities that impact EQ programs
- Find qualified replacement equipment
- Establish equipment shelf lives
- Extend component qualified lives
- Review materials test reports by some of the leading research organizations
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