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Cycle Isolation Monitoring

Cycle Isolation Monitoring

Valve Leak Detection Technology

Aging plants, deteriorating valve performance, and increased demand for electric power require careful monitoring for any potential loss of efficiency and generation. Curtiss-Wright's cycle isolation monitoring technology quickly detects valve leakage issues and estimates the leakage rate as well as generation and heat rate impacts for each leaking valve.

The online cycle isolation monitoring and reporting platform is an integral part of the FAMOS suite of thermal performance monitoring software. Combining real-time data and web browser displays, the cycle isolation module uses downstream temperature information to generate leakage alerts. The platform features tools for setting notifications, alarms, and reports to be delivered automatically to users and recorded in the historian.

Benefits of Valve Leak Detection

  • Increased plant efficiency
  • Increased power generation
  • Reduced fuel usage
  • Reduced water production costs
  • Reduced maintenance costs


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