IPAA Mobile App
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IPAA Mobile App
Mobile solution for IN-PROCESSING outage employees
Curtiss-Wright Nuclear’s Mobile IPAA App is built around the and effective In-Processing and Access Authorization (IPAA) Suite, creating an easy to use, streamlined check-in process for all utilities' outage needs. The app synchronizes effortlessly with IPAA’s Security Screening Information Suite (SSIS) to give utilities full visibility on their in-processing information, while also simplifying the required paperwork for applicants.
- A Comprehensive List of Applicants
- See all applicants arriving for the day
- Search by applicant name or ID regardless of their arrival dates
- Tap any name to start or continue the check-in process
- Applicant Details
- Review and update all applicant details, including photos
- Custom, Utility-Specific Forms
- Develop and display any number of pages with utility configured text
- Includes utility-specific documents, such as badging responsibilities or reporting requirements
- Electronic Signature
- Collect applicant signatures digitally
- Acknowledgement statement is utility-configurable
- ID Verification
- Capture ID verification data, including when data is created and by whom
- Oracle / SQL Server Database
- Snap photos of IDs and other supporting documentation for record keeping

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