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Digital Safety Systems - Instrumentation & Controls

Digital Safety Systems

Fully Qualified Safety-Related Digital Platform

The Curtiss-Wright Digital Safety System (DSS) is an SER approved, credited as digitally diverse, FPGA solution to current digital system licensing bottlenecks and concerns. The Digital Safety System is built on the RadICS digital I&C platform, which is robust, flexible, and scalable. It provides state-of-the-art functions, services, and safeguards for safety applications in the nuclear industry. The RadICS NQA-1/Appendix B product line consists of a logic module, input/output modules, and applicable specialty modules all housed in a seismically qualified chassis.

The Curtiss-Wright Plant Information Monitoring and Control headquarters in Idaho Falls, ID designs, configures, integrates, and tests the RadICS system under Curtiss-Wright’s long standing 10CFR50 Appendix B quality program. Development and test facilities ensure direct and immediate support of plant operations. A full complement of modules and associated materials are maintained in a secure inventory in the Idaho facility.

Prospective customers can experience the Curtiss-Wright DSS system at our facilities via a fully functional 4-division demonstration unit for a reactor protection system (RPS). Please contact us to learn more and schedule a visit.

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