Equipment Qualification
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Equipment Qualification
QualTech NP, a product and service brand of Curtiss-Wright Nuclear, performs environmental and seismic qualification for equipment used in nuclear safety-related applications. QualTech NP maintains an extensive library of qualification test procedures that can easily be adapted to any customer need, including new build construction requirements.
Curtiss-Wright Nuclear analyzes, tests, and qualifies materials and components under its Quality Assurance Program, which adheres to 10CFR50/Appendix B and ASME NQA-1.
Software analysis includes ALGOR and ANSYS finite element analysis. All physical and software testing is based on common standards, including:
- IBC/UBC Commercial Seismic Code
- International Building Code 2009
- California Building Code 2007
- AC156 (seismic) - “Acceptance criteria for Seismic Qualification Testing of Nonstandard components”
- ASCDE 7-05 (seismic) - “Minimum design loads for building and other standards”
- IEEE344
- IEEE382
- ASME Division 1 Section III Design Code
- AISC Structural Steel Design Code
- CSA N299.1-2016
Please visit the Commercial Grade Dedication section for additional test services.
Testing Capabilities
As a complete qualification center, QualTech NP’s qualification tests adhere to industry standards. Environmental and seismic qualification processes include:
- Technical evaluation
- Plan development
- Customer approval of qualification plan
- Qualification testing
- Analysis
- Final qualification report
- Abnormal Pressure Temperature Cycling
- Cycle Aging
- Electromagnetic/Radio Frequency Interference (EMI/RFI)
- Failure Means Effect Analysis (FMEA)
- Functional Tests
- Hardware Critical Design Review
- High Energy Line Break (HELB)
- Humidity Aging
- Instrument Uncertainty Environmental Analysis
- Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA)
- LOCA Radiation (Accident Dose)
- Main Stream Line Break (MSLB)
- Material Testing (Spectrometer)
- Mechanical/Electrical Cycling
- Normal Service Radiation Exposure
- Plant-Induced Vibration (Vibration Aging)
- Post-LOCA Submergence Testing
- Radiation Testing
- Seismic Qualification
- Software Verification & Validation (V&V)
- Submergence Testing
- Thermal Cycle Aging
Environmental Qualification
Curtiss-Wright Nuclear provides complete environmental qualification engineering and testing for equipment in both harsh and mild environmental service conditions. Qualification programs are conducted by analysis, test, or a combination of both. Methodology depends on the equipment and its safety function, environmental service conditions, and other contributing factors. Curtiss-Wright Nuclear can also provide support for EMI/RFI testing and Software Validation and Verification.
- Material Identification
- System 1000 Material Database
- Aging and Radiation Effects Library
- Radiation Aging
- Thermal Aging Humidity Testing
- LOCA / HELB Chambers
- Power:
- 120V / 1f / 60 Hz up to 500A AC
- 240V / 3f / 60 Hz up to 100A AC
- 480V / 3f / 60 Hz up to 600A AC
- 600V / 1f/ 60 Hz up to 500A AC
- 0-120V / 1f / 60 Hz up to 30A AC
- 0-480V / 3f / 60 Hz up to 30A AC
- 0-700A AC @ 12V
- 0-1400A AC @ 6V
- 0-250V up to 350A DC
- Pneumatics:
- 0-120 PSIG shop air
- 0-3300 PSIG Bottled air
- 0-2500 PSIG Bottled nitrogen
- 0-600 CFM Hydraulics: 0-10,000 PSIG static
- Water: 0-100 PSIG at 10 GPM shop water
- Testing Standards Utilized:
- IEEE 323-1974/1983
- 10 CFR 50.49
- Mild Analysis: Material aging & radiation effects library used to evaluate the expected life of components installed in a mild environment
- Temperature: 0 - 50°C (60°C for some components)
- Humidity: 40 - 95% RH non condensing
- Radiation: 10E3 Rads for electronics 10E4 Rads for most electromechanical devices 10E6 Rads for phenolic components
- Testing Standards Utilized: IEEE 323-1974/1983
Seismic Qualification
Curtiss-Wright Nuclear provides the highest levels of seismic qualification and analysis available by test and/or analysis. QualTech NP has been the seismic facility for EPRI's SQURTS program since 1993.
- Table Dimensions: 10' x 10'
- Max Weight Capacity: 10,000 lbs.
- Accelerations: 8g’s ZPA
- Force Rating:
- Vertical: 30,000 force lbs.
- Horizontal: 20,000 force lbs.
- Flow Rating:
- 33 IPS vertical
- 25 IPS front-to-back
- 23 IPS side-to-side
- Displacement: 8 inches peak-to-peak (three directions)
- Table Dimensions: 2’ x 3’
- Max Weight Capacity: 300 lbs.
- Accelerations: 12g’s ZPA
- Tri-axial t-slotted shaker Table
- Table Dimensions: 3' x 3'
- Max Weight Capacity: 10,000 lbs.
- 10-inch stroke actuators
- 160,000 ft-lb overturn capacity
- Random, sine-sweep, sine-beats, continuous sine-wave or white noise excitation
- Capacity to operate with ZPA of up to 18 g
- Frequencies of up to 200 Hz
- Table Dimensions: 3’ x 3’
- Max Weight Capacity: 100 lbs.
- Accelerations: 16g’s ZPA
- Orientation: Horizontal, Vertical, or Dependent Biaxial
- Force Rating: 7,000 force lbs.
- Displacement: 12 inches peak-to-peak
- Table Dimensions: 33” x 33”
- Max Weight Capacity: 1,100 lbs.
- Accelerations: 80g’s ZPA
- Frequency: 2,200 Hz
- Frequency: Typical 1 - 100 Hz, 400 Hz max.
- Shock Dampening: 0.1% to 10%
- Input Signal: Random multi-frequency or complex waveforms Uniaxial Table
- Testing Standards Utilized:
- IEEE 344 - 1975/1987
- USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.100 Rev. 1 and related standards such as ANSI C37.98 for relays.
- Test Plan & Report Standardization per EPRI-SQURTS Utility Specifications
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