Trentec Spent Fuel Pool Gates
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Trentec Spent Fuel Pool Gates
Trentec Spent Fuel Pool Gates are used in new construction as well as replacements for existing power stations. The Trentec design has a proven track record in its international install base as an integral feature in sustaining a reliable spent fuel management system. Regardless of size requirements, all Trentec Spent Fuel Pool Gates are equipped with environmentally qualified inflatable seals, designed to ensure bubble-tight sealing and prevent unwanted leaks. Fabrication options include single or double seals and/or a two-gate assembly separated by a monitoring chamber. Installation requires welding of the frame to the spent fuel pool liner. Routine seal replacement required.
Curtiss-Wright Nuclear performs routine field maintenance and supplies replacement parts for all OEM spent fuel pool gates.
- Environmentally qualified, inflatable seals
- Single or double seals
- Two-gate assembly
- Turn-key design, fabrication, installation, and new unit start-up
- Major turn-key overhauls
- Routine maintenance/Outage tune-ups
- Modifications and upgrades
- Environmentally qualified sealsr
- O-rings
- Gaskets
- Mechanical components
- Spare/replacement parts
- Custom design
- Improve equipment reliability
- Enhance leak test performance
- Reduce maintenance
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