Pipe Supports, Hangers, and Accessories
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Pipe Supports, Hangers, and Accessories
Nova, a product and service brand of Curtiss-Wright Nuclear, offers a complete line of pipe hangers, supports and accessories for safety-related applications. Coupled with our UNISTRUT®, cable tray and structural bolting product lines, we are positioned to meet your entire specialty construction product requirements under a single quality program.
Our in-house Commercial Grade Dedication (CGD) program enables us to qualify your order to safety-related under Nova’s QA Program 10CFR50 Appendix B.
Pipe Support Line Includes
- Pipe Hangers
- Pipe Rings
- Clevis Hangers
- Swivel Ring Hangers
- Split Ring Hangers
- Pipe Supports
- Riser Clamps
- Rollers- Chair, Stand,
Hanger - Pipe Saddle Supports
- Custom Manufactured
Engineered Supports
- Accessories
- Beam Clamps
- C Clamps
- U Bolts
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