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Submitted by neha on August 9, 2019

Curtiss-Wright Nuclear Delivers EPRI SQURTS Presentation at OPG Pickering

August 9, 2019


Engineers Fareshta Hashemi and Jasdeep Dulku from Curtiss-Wright Nuclear Canada (CWNC) presented to members of Ontario Power Generation at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.

Their presentation covered the EPRI SQURTS program which grants EPRI members access to seismic qualification testing and a vast database of reports and pre-qualified seismic items.

The EPRI SQURTS program, started in 1992, aims to streamline the seismic qualification process while significantly reducing costs for utilities. To date, the SQURTS program has 20 different testing members including Ontario Power Generation and Bruce Power.

All seismic qualification testing for the SQURTS program is performed in-house at Curtiss-Wright Nuclear facilities in Cincinnati, Ohio and Newmarket, Ontario. The facilities have four seismic tables total consisting of both multiple tri-axial and single axis tables.

Further information about the EPRI SQURTS program can be found at or by contacting Adrienne Myers (Curtiss-Wright Nuclear Program Administrator) at [email protected].
