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Curtiss-Wright's LMT business unit is a leading provider of Advanced NDE and Quality Services to the nuclear power industry. Continuing in the legacy of innovation and service started by Glenn Curtiss and the Wright brothers, LMT provides reliable and repeatable inspection results for critical structures, piping, and components. Our experienced personnel specialize in In-Service Inspection (ISI) and Balance of Plant (BOP) NDE utilizing advanced techniques and technology. Our services also include ASME Code Program Oversight, Plant Life Extension NDE Support, and Training and Certification.
NDE / NDT Testing and Services
Click the links below to learn about the following LMT services:
Curtiss-Wright’s LMT business unit has been providing NDE services to the nuclear power industry for over 30 years. Our team of experts develop and deliver the latest technology, procedures, and programs to help ensure continued safe operation, equipment reliability, and compliance with industry and regulatory standards. Our services include:
- Advanced Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing
- FAC and NDE Inspections
- In-Service Inspection
- NDE Qualification and Certification Training
Current Customers: Click here to access job files.
Training and knowledge transfer is considered a cornerstone for the delivery of Advanced NDE Services. Our skilled personnel routinely conduct specialized training for our staff and clients in ASME (including B31.1) Code examinations. We can deliver specialized UT training for Introduction to Phased Array UT to Advanced PAUT including PAUT in Lieu of Radiography, ASME PDI preparatory training, ASME Section XI Level III, ASME Visual Examination and ASME IWE/IWL training. Training can be tailored to our clients’ needs and delivered on-site or in our Hutchinson, MN office and training facility. Contact our staff to discuss your specific training needs and requirements.

Curtiss-Wright's LMT business unit leads the industry in the development and delivery of advanced Phased Array UT (PAUT) including fully encoded techniques and systems. Our proprietary systems and techniques provide superior detection and flaw evaluation for critical service and complex geometry applications.
We also provide non-encoded phased array UT for complex geometries and critical service welds when increased coverage and flaw evaluation are warranted. Our highly qualified personnel have competed rigorous training and certification requirements. LMT also provides custom tailored PAUT training at our Hutchinson, MN facility annually.
Curtiss-Wright's LMT business unit delivers Fully Encoded PAUT of:
- Inconel Allow 600 Dissimilar Metal Welds
- RCS Alloy 600 Branch connections
- Weld Overlay Repairs
- ASME and B31.1 Welds in Lieu of Radiography
- Socket Welded Joints (for extent of condition or PLEX)
Component reliability is directly linked to conformance to quality standards; to fulfill increasing demand for quality services, Curtiss-Wright's LMT business unit provides experienced Quality Assurance and Quality Control personnel to assist in quality program development and implementation. All our personnel are qualified and certified in accordance with ANSI N45.2.6 and NQA-1.
By providing Quality Management personnel, Quality Control inspection personnel, and vendor surveillance personnel with experience in new construction, modifications and plant maintenance activities, Curtiss-Wright assures the most effective delivery of Quality Services. We also provide in-depth quality training for our employees, clients, and industry personnel, using our decades of experience and involvement with Code and regulatory bodies to provide the most effective information and insight.